Kid and Parent Full Body Workout

The weather is finally getting nice.  Bathing suit season is around the corner.  The kids and their electronics are driving you crazy.  You are tired, easily irritated, not happy with your stress, fitness level, or you are simply ready to make a change.  Here is the work out for you.  The best part, it gets your kids off the couch as well.  Let’s do this!!!
Important Rules: 1 – Have Fun. 2 – Listen to your body.  3 – Proper form is more important then 1000 reps.  4 – No one starts out advanced, that’s why it’s called practice. 5 – It can’t hurt to try.

Warm Up –

  • 10 min walk or jog down the street
  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 10 run in place

Core Strength (video demo)

  • 10 plank walk ups
  • 10 full sit ups
  • 10 mountain climber each leg
  • Beginner 1 Round, Intermediate 2 Rounds , Advance 3 rounds
YouTube player

Cardio Options (adjust this to your fitness level)

  • walk/jog 5 min and/0r
  • 50-100 jumping jacks and/or
  • 25 jump rope

Bench Workout (video demo)

  • 10 knee ups each leg
  • 10 tricep dips (easier with legs bent, harder with legs straight)
  • 10 plank inside knee to elbow core twists
  • Beginner 1 Round, Intermediate 2 Rounds , Advance 3 rounds
YouTube player


Cardio Options (adjust this to your fitness level)

  • walk/jog 5 min and/0r
  • 50-100 jumping jacks and/or
  • 25 jump rope

Partner Workout (video demo)

  • 10 plank high fives
  • 10 full sit ups with partner standing on toes in squat (butt down, knees over ankles, NOT toes, back straight)
  • 10 lower leg lifts with partner resistance
  • Beginner 1 Round, Intermediate 2 Rounds , Advance 3 rounds
YouTube player

In Good Health, Ana-Maria Temple, MD

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