A Message from
Dr. Temple

I am sorry your family is struggling with eczema - I know how hard it can be to manage this frustrating problem as 2 of my 3 children suffered with eczema for years. I have dedicated my life to improving the way we approach eczema by healing the skin from within.

We strive to offer eczema solutions to families that meet their budget and time constraints. For families with lower budgets to invest in healing eczema, we initially recommend dietary changes and correcting micronutrient deficiencies. Removing processed foods and decreasing added sugar to less than 24 grams per day is a critical first step toward an eczema-friendly diet.

Additionally, numerous studies have shown that certain micronutrients are vital for optimal immune and skin function and that many of these micronutrients are lacking in people suffering from eczema.

In the guide below, I outline the most common micronutrient deficiencies associated with eczema and supplement options to correct them.


Supplement Bundles

Kids Eczema Supplement Bundle

vaccine bundle (1)

Baby Eczema Supplement Bundle

vaccine bundle (2)

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