Social Media Use by Teens and Tweens on Average
- 9hrs a day
- 27hrs a week
- teens check-in with social media 100 times a day
These statistics are independent of school work.
Social Media Use by Adults
- 5hrs on average in 2016 study
- adults check-in with Social Media 17 times a day on average
- mom check-in with Facebook 8 times a day minimum
These statistics are independent of jobs/work needs
Sleep Interruptions
- 90% of teens sleep with phones in their rooms
- 62 % of the teens use their smartphones after bedtime.
- 57 % text and tweet messages while in bed,
- 21% percent said they wake up if a text comes in.
- 71% of adults sleep with their phone in their bedroom
- 13% of adults sleep with their cell phone in hand
Work Interruptions
- most teens and adults, go on average, 11 minutes between phone interruptions
- it takes the human brain 10-20 minutes to get back on task after an interruption
- HMMMMMM!!!!!!!
Meal Interruptions
- 37-55% of teens and adults text or check their phone during meal times
Time your social media use for one day. Are there changes you can make?
- New York Times
- CNN Report
- Moms and Media 2015
- Social Media by Huffington Post
- Business Insider – Teen Cell Phone use at night
- ABC News: teen cell phone use at night
- Americans and social media trends