
Journal entry – September 2016

Preparing to move across the world for what is to be an amazing experience in New Zealand has entailed many obstacles.  Some are obvious like obtaining new jobs, paperwork for visas, accommodations, schools for the kids, cars, banks, luggage, etc.  Some obstacles, however, have been more subtle and unexpected.  These are the ones that at times have appeared insurmountable.

In my first journal entry on our move 8 weeks ago, I outlined the difficulties surrounding my acceptance of this change.  Unknowingly, I thought that once I welcomed this new expedition, I would take care of paper work, store up the house, get rid of unnecessary items, pack the bags, and all would be well.  However, I now realize that accepting this change was step one,  and unplugging from my current life was step two.  Willing to disconnect from my US life, has turned out to be the toughest obstacle to date.

To recap, my husband, John, is a fantastic surgeon who got burned out by the current medical system, here in the USA.  Ten weeks ago he quit his job and found a new position as an orthopedic surgeon in Wellington, NZ. Our family of five is moving to explore socialized medicine, a more balance way of living, and another culture with different priorities.

What’s to unplug

  1. After eleven years in charlotte, my vision of my house and yard are complete.  The rooms are furnished and the yard is luscious and thriving.  There are no more improvements to make.  The only things left to do are maintaining and enjoying this space. img_8734-1
  2. In the past decade or so, I have established myself as a respected pediatrician, a proponent of teen heath, a voice for integrative medicine, and a leader in patient education via social media and elementary schools.  
  3. The friends I have made in the past years have become my network of strength and support.  They keep me laughing.   They come to the rescue when the chips are down.  They stand by me, even when I become a horror freak show.  
  4.  After many moves and relocations, we have finally established a connection with our families.  Holidays and celebrations have fallen into patterns that cater to everyone’s specifications, needs, and schedules.  Our extended family unit is working smoother then ever.


  • During this past week when John was in NZ  finalizing jobs and housing, our house got rented fully furnished to a lovely couple.  At the same time, the following text from one of my friends cleared my mind, helped me understand what I was grieving about, and changed my thinking for the better.
    • “Stop fighting the waves chica, surf them! Clean your stuff out, disconnect from your current reality, trust yourself, allow the new environment in.  So many new and great experiences await.  Stop wallowing!  Surf’s Up!!”
  • And that was it!  I stopped crying, I stopped resenting, I stopped throwing tantrums, I stopped swimming against the rip tide.
  • The house is packed, loose ends are tied, last minute celebrations are enjoyed, and a new bond with my husband has been formed.  We will be ok, nothing is lost, but everything will be gained.  1 week to go ………


Whatever the change may be that is happening in your life, know that there is one other person out there going through the same thing, even though it may be for different reasons and with a different destination in mind.

Safe travels on your life’s Journey, Ana-Maria Temple, MD

Photo Credits:

  1. www.helpset.ru
  2. www.techvibes.com
  3. fibromialgiamelilla.worpress.com
  4. www.healerslibrary.com
  5. www.tagtub.com

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