Video Summary of MC2Charlotte Nutrition Presentation

As you might have seen in my previous blogs, I have created a presentation about nutrition for elementary school children.  My partner, Heather Fisher, and I have been to 3 schools and taught over 300 children.  Due to the positive feedback from kids, teachers, and parents, many others  have shown interest in bringing this presentation to their schools.  This is a video summary of the MC2Charlotte Nutrition Presentation and it illustrates the overall theme, principles, and approach to our teaching technique.

I realize that End of the Year Testing will be the focus for many in the next 2 months.  However, once the testing is done, school will still be in session.  Wouldn’t it be great to have a fun and educational activity for the classroom at that time?  A lesson that is already planned, fine tuned, and perfected?  A presentation that comes with its own presenters and media collage?  Just a thought.

Lastly, due to the positive feedback that we are still receiving for our classroom presentations in the winter, I am currently in the process of making this physician initiated classroom education project more official.   I have teamed up with the Center for Primary Care Research within the Department of Family Medicine to write a grant and create a clinical study to assess the effects of this program on children and families.  We hope to begin The Research Project at the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year.

In Good Health, Ana-Maria Temple, MD

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