Making healthier choices

ranch dressing
One of the many ways to get kids to make better choices, is to get them Cooking in the Kitchen with you.
I post various recipes that are healthy, kid friendly, and super easy to make.  I have a job and a blog, I have 3 kids with busy schedules, a working husband, and I do not have time for complex meals.

Fast and easy does not have to be processed, fast food, or gross.  We all need a little inspiration and a little help from our kids.

Home Made Ranch Dressing (great for all ages to make)

  • 1 C dry parsley
  • 1 T dill weed
  • 1/2 C garlic powder
  • 1/2 C onion powder
  • 1/2 C sea salt
  • 1/2 C minced onion
  • Mix all ingredients and store in jar  ( lasts for a couple of months and we eat ranch all the time)
  • When you are ready to make fresh ranch dressing: Combine 1 T of dry mix to 1/3 plain Greek yogurt, 1/3 sour cream, 1/3 whole milk, 1 T mayo (or not) I have added avocado as well at various times. Just enough that it’s not too green.
  • No more store bought ranch dressing, no more reading labels of all those bottles filled with gross ingredients.
  • TIP:  I use 1/3 Cup Greek Yogurt for the dressing, then divide in baggies and freeze for later use.  I do the same with sour cream if I have too much.  Defrost and add to dry ingredients.

In Good Health, Ana-Maria Temple

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