How to Feed an Athlete


I recently gave a talk on this topic to the coaches volunteering for the sports program at out local YMCA – Harris YMCA in Charlotte, NC.  Change happens with one coach, one family, one team.  If I can change the mind of ONE, the ripple effect will change the minds of MANY.


Common snacks on the sports field after games are the following:Doughnuts, Doritos, Chips, Cheetos, Gold Fish, Gatorade, Juice, Roaring Waters

An athlete requires water, electrolytes, protein, healthy fats, natural sugars, and anti-oxidants. The average snack seen on the sidelines is laden with food coloring, various man made sugars, unknown ingredients, processed fats, and more sugar.

RETHINK THE POST GAME SNACK – apple slices, bananas, frozen grapes, blueberries, strawberries, cheese sticks, orange slices, home made PB crackers. I know you think they won’t eat it. I beg to differ!!! Call anything a snack and the kids will devour it.  I also know that a lot of parents are afraid to bring these snacks because they will be made fun of by other parents or that they won’t be the Fun Parent  Athlete bodies crave good food! Let’s Stop teaching them to crave junk.

Electrolytes and Sports Drinks



    • Healthy Snacks

      • Orange = $0.89 per one
      • Each kid eats about 4-5 slices (about 1/2 orange)
      • Water is Free
      • 5 x $0.89 = $4.45 to feed 9-10 kids
      • Apples 3lb bag (about 6-8apples) = $4.49
    • 1/2 an apple cut into slices feeds 1 athlete
    • Water is free
    • $4.49 to feed 9-10 athletes
    • Let me know if you would like a PDF or Word copy of this Bolg as a handout for your team and I will email it to you.


Let’s be the voice of Change, Ana-Maria Temple, MD

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